Appointment reminders dramatically improve patient no show rate

Implementation of an automated appointment reminder system cuts no show rates in half, from 7 to 3.5%

Once patient makes a choice, appointment confirmations and appointment cancelations are sent to the practice as well as a full report is generated

Appointment reminders dramatically improve patient no show rate
Psychological Testing and Screening
An array of computer-assessed test batteries to help diagnose and treat Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol Dependence, Opioid Risk in English and Spanish:
GAD-7, AUDIT, PHQ-9, PHQ-15, ORT, Medicare Wellness with risk color coded summary report in patient note before the doctor enters exam room
These tests are billable with G0442, G0444, and 96102 CPT codes, mandated by ACA to all insurances with no patient responsibility, copay or deductible. Over $20,000 monthly revenue per provider.
Appointment Reminders
Cut no show rate in half and release staff from tedious task of making calls:
Appointment Reminders with Interactice Voice Responses (IVR), SMS and E-mail
Patient and Family Engagement
Patient Satisfaction Surveys
Wellness and Preventive reminders
Patient Outreach
Balance reminders and collections
Unlimited reminders and tests
AAFP and USPTF recommend Screen All Adults for Depression
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released its final recommendation statement on screening adults for depression in a primary care setting, including pregnant and postpartum women.
The AAFP mirrored the USPSTF's guidance in its own recommendation for adults.
Try it FREE!
Primary Care: Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Subspecialties: Cardiology, Pain Management, Surgery, Neurology, Dermatology, Sleep Studies, Physical Therapy, Pain Management, Psychiatry
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
EHR/EMR Integrations
Psychological Screening:
PHQ-9 Depression Severity Test
GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Test
AUDIT Alcohol Abuse Dependence Test
Medicare Wellness Exam
ORT Opioid RIsk Test
PHQ-15 15 item Somatic Symptom Severity Scale
Seamless practice management and EHR integration
Automatic tracking patients eligible for screening and Medicare Wellness
Immediate results with risk color coded assessement
Tests in English and Spanish
Interactive Voice Responses with immediate feedback to the Practice
SMS and E-mail reminders
Intelligent Reminder Preference - Voice/SMS/E-mail selection based on patient availability and preferences
Text to speech and/or client-recorded messages
Multi-template, multi-provider, multi-location
Templates for common scenarios: New Visit, Follow Up, Procedure, Discharge
Scalable from solo practices to large hospitals
99.99% availability SLA with 24x7 active monitoring
Cloud service, no hardware or software to install
Flat per provider predictable billing
Memento Appointment Reminders - Cut no show rate in half and release staff from tedious tasks. GAD-7, AUDIT, PHQ-9, PHQ-15, ORT Spanish and English.