Memento Medical helps providers improve clinical outcomes through driving Patient and Family Engagement in compliance with the CMS Stage 2 Clinical Quality Measures. Cut no show rate in half and release staff from tedious task of making calls:
· Appointment Reminders
· Patient and Family Engagement
· Patient Satisfaction Surveys
· Wellness and Preventive reminders
· Patient Outreach
· Balance reminders and collections
Memento Psychological Testing
An array of computer-assessed test batteries to help diagnose and treat Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol Dependence, Opioid Risk:
GAD-7, AUDIT, PHQ-9, PHQ-15, Medicare Wellness in English and Spanish
These tests are billable with G0442, G0444, and 96102 codes, mandated by ACA to all insurances with no patient responsibility, copay or deductible.
Average reimbursement $60 per patient, in addition to regular visit codes
Self-administered with a tablet while patient is waiting in the exam room
Follow up appointments in Primary Care tend to be 3-6 months away and have a high likelihood of being forgot and missed. Follow up appointments no show rate can reach 25%. Use of automated reminders reduces no show rate to under 2%.
Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
No shows are hurting subspecialists the most. The rate can get as high as 15% while cost of missing appointment is the highest. Drop in provider utilization may cost your practice over $100K a year per provider. Use of automatic appointment reminders ensures predictable slot allocation and no unexpected idle time.
Pain Management
Sleep Studies
Physical Therapy
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Patients are unlikely to miss this appointment. However, not having pre-procedure instructions followed, may create health risk and end up in rescheduling the procedure. This might also require a new pre-authorization and clearance. Provider will bear most of the cost. Use of automated reminders with pre-procedure instructions helps improve clinical outcomes and minimizes amount of time necessary to mitigate non-adherence.

Hospital utilization of an automated reminder and follow up system has proven to have measurable impact on readmission rates. Even though patients are given instructions on discharge, they tend to forget the details and fail to ask. Use of automated follow up system that asks the patient to rate his status and reminds the discharge instructions goes a long way. Implementation should also ask the patient if he has already followed up with the primary care provider and if not, have hospital specialist follow up.
Many people never fill their prescriptions, or they may never pick up their filled prescriptions from the pharmacy. Other people bring their medication home, but don’t follow instructions – they skip doses or stop taking the medicine, or they take more than instructed or at the wrong time of day. Memento Medical enables you to create individualized scripts to remind and educate patients of refills, individual prescription instructions as well as get feedback on their health status.
Most hospital readmissions happen within first two weeks of discharge. Patients do not always follow instructions and may not call their Primary Care or Specialist provider even after their condition does not improve or worsens. Having incorporated follow up phone call into hospital discharge procedure has proven to decrease post-discharge complications and readmission rates. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has formulated specific protocol for the discharge follow up calls. Memento Medical enables implementation of the full protocol, starting with Patient and ending with Provider.

Afterhours is when patients can pick the phone
Calling patients during business hours may not be as effective as after hours. Studies show that chances for an individual being able and willing to talk about upcoming appointment during business hours are half of the off hours. Our clients’ statistics confirm that phone pick up rate doubles in the hours 6-8PM. In a typical office, having staff calling patients during off hours would require overtime. Memento Medical can be configured to call patients within specific time windows.
Scheduling health maintenance check-up appointments in Primary Care has become a challenge. These appointments need to be scheduled 6 months in advance, however, practices tend to open scheduling templates for no more than 3 months ahead. Patients miss scheduling check-up because in most cases they need a trigger to make a call to the doctor. Many practices mail postcards or letters, which has proven to be effective. Memento Appointment Reminders accomplishes same results at a fraction of the cost.
Engaging patients and families into maintaining healthy lifestyles is a key to prevention. Memento Medical enables providers to remind patients of good healthy habits, drive their attention to practice web-based handouts specific to patients health history, and improve overall family health.
Memento Appointment Reminders - Cut no show rate in half and release staff from tedious tasks. GAD-7, AUDIT, PHQ-9, PHQ-15, ORT Spanish and English.